Do come along to any of our services this Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday (14th April): Holy Communion with washing of feet, 7:30pm
Good Friday (15th April): from 12 - 2 the church will be open for quiet prayer; at 2pm there will be a service to mark the Last Hour at the Cross
Holy Saturday (16th April): Easter Vigil, 7:30pm. This traditional service heralds Easter telling the story of our salvation, with fire, communion and a glass of something bubbly afterwards.
Easter Day (Sunday 17th April) is our next family praise service (including communion); we’ll have an egg hunt in the church grounds following the service.
Also don't forget our ‘Messy Easter’ session for children and families is next Saturday, 9th April from 10:30 - 12:30, with crafts, games, activities and food as we get ready for Easter. This is aimed at families with children aged 3-11 but everyone is welcome - please let friends, families and neighbours know about this. There are some flyers at the back if you want to take them to pass on. Please email to let us know if you’re coming so that we can plan food.