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Children & Families

Join our children and families mailing list

We send out an email every couple of months giving a brief update on some of things we're doing at St James with Children & Families - you can unsubscribe any time.  

Thanks for subscribing!


Baby &

Every Thursday during term time




At the moment St James is a small church, but children are still at the heart of our worship. Over the coming months we are planning to develop our ministry to children and young people, and do more to welcome families. This is a really exciting time for the church and if you'd like to be a part of what God's doing at St James then we'd love it if you joined us! 


We have a mix of provision for our children on Sunday mornings, including a monthly group for primary-aged children that meets during the service. Once a month we have our 'Family Praise' service which is much more interactive and where children and young people play a bigger part in the service. For more info, see our Sunday Mornings page or keep an eye on our news page for more information about our family services or special events. 


There's a children's area at the front of church that's filled with books, toys, jigsaws and drawing materials - children are welcome to make use of these throughout the service. Please don't feel embarrassed or awkward if your child is noisy during the service - at St James we believe that church if for everyone and so it doesn't matter at all if there's noise or wriggles or exploring during worship. 


We also have social events for children and families throughout the year - craft mornings, messy worship, BBQs etc. and everyone is really welcome to these, even if you rarely or never come to church. 


If you're looking to get your child baptised then please click here - we'd love to discuss that with you. 

St James Church

01707 872328


For Hall Bookings, phone Barbara on 01707 888436


​St James Road

Goffs Oak






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